In case you didn’t know, my mom’s boyfriend is a musician/songwriter. (and also runs The Pleasant Street Piano Company with her) Well a few years ago he co-wrote this pretty awesome song saluting veterans.
Flash to memorial day… my mom calls me in a tizzy and is desperately trying to rip a copy of it to her computer. Well for some reason I just couldn’t make it happen with over the phone instructions so I went over there for an in person tutorial. Turns out she was looking to share it with all her Facebook friends so I just decided to whip out her Windows Movie Maker and before we knew it we had a pretty touching Memorial Day tribute.
As touching as it is, the video production could use a little work, but what do you want for a half an hour’s worth of time? Ha! Either way, I was glad to help and put this up. Our veterans make some pretty crazyawesome sacrifices for our country every day and since I’m not about to join up, this is the least I could do!
And although my best friend Brian (who I actually hardly ever talk to), gets to “live it up” in 5 star hotels (correction I just found out that they are more like hotels with pretty much dorm rooms) and blast the AC waaay more than any other normal human being would when he goes to Qatar (aside from maybe his twin brother Sean). I’m willing to bet that there’s not place he’d rather be than homeward bound! So in addition to the memory of all the fallen soldiers that we remembered yesterday…this one goes out to him!
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